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Your Business may not be Worth as Much as you Think it is … Yet

Business owner contemplating the value of his business

Do you know how much your business is worth?

And by worth, I mean what price it would realize if it was for sale today. Many times small business owners think their business is worth more than it currently is. This is often referred to as the value gap.

If your business represents a significant part of the funding for your retirement, you will want to determine the amount of this gap sooner rather than later.

Some reasons for the gap in the value of your business:

An up-to-date business valuation will identify the above factors and the amount of the value gap. This is an essential starting point for a successful retirement plan.

An up-to-date valuation will also help in being prepared for unforeseen circumstances such as divorce, death, or shareholder disputes.

If you are starting to think about retirement and selling your business, it is never too early to start the conversation with your McCay Duff Advisor.

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