There are many reasons to seek valuation. Seek valuation if you find yourself in a situation listed below.

In my last post, I listed the three types of valuation reports and what they entail, namely:

Understanding when you need a business valuation is important when making major decisions and determining the type of valuation report you need.

17 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Business Valuation:

  1. Buying all or part of a business;
  2. Selling all or part of a business;
  3. Mergers;
  4. Corporate or partnership dissolutions or reorganizations;
  5. Divorce;
  6. Shareholder/Partner Disputes;
  7. Buy/Sell Agreements;
  8. Economic Damages Litigation;
  9. Estate planning;
  10. Employee Share Ownership Plans (ESOPS);
  11. Income Taxes;
  12. Charitable Contributions;
  13. Obtaining financing;
  14. Allocation of value between share classes;
  15. Determining the need for life insurance;
  16. Preparing personal financial statements;
  17. Fair value reporting.

Choosing the right type of valuation report is essential and depends on the reason for the business valuation. Our team of professionals at McCay Duff LLP are ready to work with you throughout this process.  Contact your McCay Duff advisor today to get started!

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